
Let’s Chat: November 2016

Feel free to yell at me for going on a hiatus once again, but the most important thing is that I’m back! Since I’ve been gone so long, I figured you guys might want to know why I was, so I thought this was the perfect opportunity for a chat.

Over the summer I got a job in a popular retail store and I happen to work at the biggest store in the country. I decided to keep my job and work there during the school year so with work, school, service, and chorus, my schedule is pretty packed. Honestly at this point I barely have time to breathe, but I finally made sure I had time to sit here and write this.

Besides school, work, and service, nothing eventful really happened in September, but I actually did do something in October. My best friend Cat (who I’ve mentioned many times in previous blog posts) and I attended a Charlie Puth concert! Not many people know this, but I’m a big fan of Charlie Puth. Like a really big fan. It was an amazing concert and I shared about my experience along with a video from the concert on my Instagram (feel free to follow me).

November hasn’t been the most exciting month for me, but I’ve been spending most of this month preparing for next month and everything that is going to be thrown at me, so expect more updates then!



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